Discover about how we at THISAI Logistics, can help protect your cargo through our insurance services
Are you wondering why your business or your shipment should need a cargo insurance, the answer is Yes, or your business could end up losing millions when the cargo ship sinks for any different reason, even if your shipment is valued only few thousand dollars.
At THISAI Logistics., Our experts, in the Supply Chain Industry knows when and how you can use shipper’s insurance and when it will not help you, etc. We can help you choose the right cargo insurance bundle for your shipment.
You never know, how the shipment or the vessel or the cargo plane will be impacted during weather situation or during shipment handling or safety impact from external sources such as power room explosion, shipment leakage, or damages due to other shipments, etc.
Call Us and talk to our Cargo Insurance Expert, who can guide to choose the right insurance bundle for your cargo, saving your business tens and thousands of dollars.
Freight Insurance
- Excess Cargo Insurance Coverage.
- Special Cargo Insurance.
- Freight Broker Auto Liability Coverage.
- Defense Coverage.
- Broad Form Contingent Cargo Insurance.
Transportation across Europe
- Domestic Shipper’s Interest Cargo Insurance.
- Shipper’s Interest Cargo Insurance.
- Hull Insurance.
- Liability Insurance
- Voyage Policy.
- Valued and UnValued Policy.
- Port Risk Policy.
Other Insurance Coverage
- Air Cargo Insurance.
- All Risk Coverage.
- Risk Management.
- Claims and Recovery.
- Incoterms assistance.